
Biosorption of metals from contaminated water using seaweed

V. Vinoj Kumar* and P. Kaladharan
Fishery Environment Management Division, Central Marine Fisheries
Research Institute, Cochin 682 018, India

Heavy metals are major pollutants in marine, lake and
groundwaters as well as in industrial and even treated
effluents. Biosorption, an inexpensive and reliable method
to remove cadmium and lead ions from solution using
dry seaweed biomass as adsorbents, was investigated.
Sargassum wightii exhibited maximum metal uptake
at pH 4–5 and the value ranged from 18% to 29% of
dry biomass. The kinetics of metal adsorption was fast
with 70–80% taking place within 30 min. Based on these
results, a biobattery involving perforated columns
packed with pulverized dry biomass of S. wightii was
designed, which could remove metals in the range of
50–97% from a multi-metal ion solution within two
and a half hours. The mechanism of metal sorption by
seaweeds and the advantages of the present design of
seaweed columns are discussed in the light of ecofriendly
and cost-effective approach for effluent treatment.
Keywords: Biobattery, biosorption, effluent treatment,
heavy metals, Sargassum wightii.
HEAVY metals can be extremely toxic as...

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