
Zirconium Viscosity


The viscosity of Zircaloy-2 was measured by Bunnell and Prater [2] as a function of temperature from 2075 to 2175 K. They found that, in this temperature range, the viscosity of Zircaloy-2 is a
constant equal to 15 mPa # s. Bunnel and Prater comment that the different viscosities obtained for zirconium and Zircaloy-2 may be due either to differences in viscosity of Zircaloy-2 and zirconium or to impurity effects introduced by the crucible used in the measurements. Yelvutin et al. used a graphite crucible whereas Bunnell and Prater used a less reactive thoria crucible. At high
temperatures, zirconium reacts with graphite to form ZrC. No data are available on the post-test
analysis of the solidified liquid from the viscosity measurements of Yelvutin et al. Thus, it is possible that their reported viscosity is that of a liquid mixture of ZrC + Zr or of zirconium with
carbon in solution, not pure zirconium.

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